In the digital age, cold sales emails have taken over the role of traditional cold calls for lead generation. Rather than calling potential or longstanding customers on the phone, businesses now use specific email marketing strategies to draw clients back to their websites. Under the right circumstances, marketing emails can yield tremendous results, with an estimated 44% of email recipients making at least one purchase as a result of a promotional message. The trick is knowing what to say and how to say it in an email to convince users to follow your link.
The guide below highlights the do’s and don’ts of cold sales emails so you can see positive results from your efforts.
The Do’s Of Cold Sales Email Marketing
Here are some positive features every successful cold sales email contains:
- Exciting Subject Line – More than one-third (35%) of email recipients open messages based on the subject line alone. You need a message that will catch a reader’s attention and make him want to learn more about what you have to say. The subject should be gripping enough to read but not so forced that it comes across as spam. This is an area you may spend a great deal of time on, but it will be worth it when you see the results.
- Personal Appeal – Craft your cold sales emails much like you would an email to a close friend or family member. Connect with your audience on a personal level. You may incorporate a short story of your own or bring up points they can connect with – struggles they may face, failures they may have experienced, etc.
- Proven Results – No one wants to be your guinea pig. When trying to sell a product or service, talk about success other people have had with this same product or service. Give your business a sense of authority, one that people know they can trust at any given time. Provide an example of a previous client and the results you got for them so potential customers feel less at risk working with you.
- Call To Action – Give your readers a reason to take the next step. Create a compelling pitch for them to click on a link, give you a call, stop by your office, or whatever the case may be. Ending your email with a call to action is just as important as creating a strong subject line. A simple “Let’s schedule a free consultation to discuss your business goals. What’s a good time for you?” can make a tremendous difference in the success of your cold sales emails.
- Proper Grammar – Proofread every email you send out before you send it. What may seem like a simple letter is a live representation of your company. For some customers, this may be their first impression of who you are and what you do. Make it a good one.
The Don’ts Of Cold Sales Email Marketing
Here is a list of steps you do NOT want to take when crafting your cold sales emails:
- Lengthy Emails – You only have a certain amount of time to grab your audience’s attention. If your emails are too lengthy, your readers won’t be inclined to sort through your life story. Keep matters short and sweet. Three or four lines should be plenty sufficient in most cases.
- Automated Templates – You must be careful with automatic email templates because they can quickly turn your clients away from you. If the emails come across as impersonal, you will quickly get filtered to the spam folder. Even automated email templates with custom inserts can still come across as cold and undesirable. Take the time to make your clients know you care.
- Over-The-Top Promotions – Focus on the value that you provide to your customers, not how amazing your business is. If you forcefully promote yourself and do not pay attention to your customers, they will not feel the connection they need to feel to convert to a sale. Make it about them, not you.
- Lacking Focus – At the end of the day, every email you send out needs to have one and only one core focus. If you start throwing around too many ideas, you will confuse readers and ultimately turn them away. If all of the ideas you want to include are valid, save them for future emails or for the page you link to on your website.
With the right formatting, word choice, length, and timing, your email marketing campaign can provide a steady flow of leads to your business. Use the guide above to structure successful cold sales emails moving forward. To learn more about cold sales emails or other internet marketing tactics you can use, feel free to contact High Level SEO at (248) 234-4820 for your free local marketing analysis.